
Statistical Theory, Methods and Applications

  1. Xuan Cao, Kshitij Khare and Malay Ghosh. (2019) Posterior Graph Selection and Estimation Consistency for High-Dimensional Bayesian DAG Models. Annals of Statistics 47(1):319-348. [link]
  2. Xuan Cao, Kshitij Khare and Malay Ghosh. (2020) High-Dimensional Posterior Consistency for Hierarchical Nonlocal Priors in Regression. Bayesian Analysis 15(1):241-262. [link]
  3. Xuan Cao and Shaojun Zhang. (2020) A permutation-based Bayesian Approach for Inverse Covariance Estimation. Communication in Statistics - Theory and Methods 49(14):3557-3571. [link]
  4. Xuan Cao, Lili Ding and Tesfaye Mersha. (2020) Joint Variable Selection and Network Modeling for Detecting eQTLs. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 19(1). [link] [code]
  5. Xuan Cao, Kshitij Khare and Malay Ghosh. (2020) Consistent Bayesian Sparsity Selection for High-dimensional Gaussian DAG Models with Multiplicative and Beta-mixture Priors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 179:104628. [link] [code]
  6. Xuan Cao and Kyoungjae Lee. (2020) Variable Selection Using Nonlocal Priors in High-dimensional Generalized Linear Models with Application to fMRI Data Analysis. Entropy 22(8), 807. [link] [code]
  7. Kyoungjae Lee and Xuan Cao. (2021) Group Selection in Logistic Regression with Application to MRI Data Analysis. Biometrics 77(2):391-400. [link] [code]
  8. Xuan Cao and Kyoungjae Lee. (2021) Joint Bayesian Variable and DAG Selection Consistency for High-dimensional Regression Models with Network-structured Covariates. Statistica Sinica 31:1509-1530. [link][code]
  9. Xuan Cao, Kyoungjae Lee and Qingling Huang. (2021) Bayesian Variable Selection in Logistic Regression with Application to Whole-brain Functional Connectivity Analysis for Parkinson’s Disease. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 30(3):826-842. [link]
  10. Kyoungjae Lee and Xuan Cao. (2021) Bayesian Inference for High-dimensional Decomposable Graphs. Electronic Journal of Statistics 15(1):1549-1582. [link]
  11. Xuelian Zhang, Xuan Cao, Chen Xue, Jingyi Zheng, Shaojun Zhang, Qingling Huang and Weiguo Liu. (2021) Aberrant Functional Connectivity and Activity in Parkinson’s Disease and Comorbidity with Depression based on Radiomic Analysis. Brain and Behavior 11(5):e02103. [link]
  12. Yuexin Li, Linqiang Ge, Yang Zhou, Xuan Cao and Jingyi Zheng. (2021) Toward the Impact of Non-pharmaceutical Interventions and Vaccination on the COVID-19 Pandemic with Time-Dependent SEIR Model. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4, 26. [link]
  13. Xuan Cao and Fang Yang. (2021) On the Non-local Priors for Sparsity Selection in High-dimensional Gaussian DAG Models. Statistical Theory and Related Fields 5(4):332-345. [link] [code]
  14. Xuan Cao, Fang Yang, Jingyi Zheng, Xiao Wang and Qingling Huang. (2022) Aberrant Structure MRI in Parkinson’s Disease and Comorbidity with Depression based on Multinomial Tensor Regression Analysis. Journal of Personalized Medicine 12(1):89. [link]
  15. Kyoungjae Lee and Xuan Cao. (2022) Bayesian Joint Inference for Multiple Directed Acyclic Graphs. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 191:105003. [link] [code]
  16. Chen Yang, Jiahao Mai, Xuan Cao, Aaron Burberry, Fabio Cominelli and Liangliang Zhang. (2023) ggpicrust2: an R Package for PICRUSt2 Predicted Functional Profile Analysis and Visualization. Bioinformatics 39(8). [link]
  17. Xuan Cao and Kyoungjae Lee. (2024) Bayesian Inference on Hierarchical Nonlocal Priors in Generalized Linear Models. Bayesian Analysis 19(1):99-122. [link][code]
  18. Xuan Cao and Kyoungjae Lee. (2024) Consistent and Scalable Bayesian Joint Variable and Graph Selection for Disease Diagnosis Leveraging Functional Brain Network. Bayesian Analysis 19(3):895–923. [link][code]
  19. Fang Yang, Liangliang Zhang, Jingyi Zheng and Xuan Cao(corresponding author). (2024) Consistent Group Selection Using Nonlocal Priors in Regression. Statistical Papers 65(2):989-1019. [link][code]
  20. Xuan Cao, Liangliang Zhang and Kyoungjae Lee(2024). Development of Network-guided Transcriptomic Risk Score for Disease Prediction. Stat , 13(1):e648. [link]
  21. Kyoungjae Lee, Won Chang and Xuan Cao. (2024+) The Joint Local Dependence Cholesky Prior for Bandwidth Selection Across Multiple Groups. Bayesian Analysis, to appear. [link]
  22. Jiarong Ouyang and Xuan Cao(corresponding author). (2024+) Consistent Consistent Skinny Gibbs in Probit Regression. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, to appear. [link]

Applications in Interdisciplinary Research

  1. Qingling Huang, Rui Zhang, Xinhua Hu, Shangwen Ding, Jingguang Qian, Ting Lei, Xuan Cao, Ling Tao, Zhiyu Qian and Hongyi Liu. (2014) Disturbed Small-World Networks and Neurocognitive Function in Frontal Lobe Low-Grade Glioma Patients. PLOS ONE 9(4):e94095. [link]
  2. Qingling Huang, Xuan Cao, Xue Chai, Xiao Wang, Chaoyong Xiao and Juan Wang. (2019) The Radiological Imaging Features of Easily Misdiagnosed Epithelioid Glioblastoma in Seven Patients. World Neurosurgery 124:e527-e532. [link]
  3. Qingling Huang, Xuan Cao, Xue Chai, Xiao Wang, Chaoyong Xiao and Juan Wang. (2019) In Reply to the Letter to the Editor Regarding "the Radiological Imaging Features of Easily Misdiagnosed Epithelioid Glioblastoma in Seven Patients". World Neurosurgery 125:546. [link]
  4. Qingling Huang, Xuan Cao, Xue Chai, Chaoyong Xiao, Kun Yang and Juan Wang. (2019) 3 Dimensional Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling and Susceptibility-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Associated with Clinical Progression in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease. Medicine 98(23):e15972. [link]
  5. Xuan Cao, Xiao Wang, Chen Xue, Shaojun Zhang, Qingling Huang and Weiguo Liu. (2020) A Radiomics Approach to Predicting Parkinson's Disease by Incorporating Whole-brain Functional Activity and Grey Matter Structure. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14:751. [link]
  6. Xulian Zhang, Chen Xue, Xuan Cao, Qianqian Yuan, Wenzhang Qi, Wenwen Xu, Shaojun Zhang and Qingling Huang. (2021) Altered Patterns of Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations and Fractional Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations Between Amnestic and Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment: An ALE-Based Comparative Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 593. [link]
  7. Xuan Cao, Lili Ding and Tesfaye Mersha. (2022) Development and Validation of an RNA-seq-based Transcriptomic Risk Score for Asthma. Scientific Reports 12:8643. [link]